Prior Knowledge and The Flow of Learning | nashworld

Prior Knowledge and The Flow of Learning | nashworld: "Engagement

A friend gives you free tickets to an upcoming concert. Although the group is fairly popular, you are not familiar with the artist’s body of work. Assuming you elect to go, what do you do next?

Between now and the day of the concert, here’s betting that your old pal Google comes into play at some point.

What is the artist’s body of work? For me, iTunes previews would quickly come into the picture. I might even scan the reviews. Then perhaps a dive into YouTube in a quest to actually see the band in action. Maybe even an interview with the lead singer? Does the band have a website? What else have they done? What does the bio tell me about where they are from and perhaps why they do what they do?

This approach works. We know it does. We’ve done it ourselves a thousand times before in similar situations."

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